5 research outputs found

    Development of a model for energy efficiency management of a ship at different stages of its lifecycle

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    The problem of increasing energy efficiency in commercial shipping has been in the focus of attention of many specialists over the past few decades. The adopted and entered into force resolutions of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) require ship-owners to develop and implement energy efficiency management plans. Considerable and increased attention is now being paid to the solution of this problem. However, it has not yet been possible to achieve real practical results – commercial shipping already accounts for more than 3 % of greenhouse gas emissions, and this value is growing from year to year. The reason for this effect is the practically absence of a systematic scientifically grounded approach to the issue. Management of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere is mainly in the operational phase of the ship, although the foundations are laid during the design, construction, modernization and refurbishment phases. This study is aimed at developing a comprehensive model for managing the energy efficiency of a ship throughout the entire life cycle. It is proposed to use the cost of a full cycle and the coefficient of energy efficiency as target functions of the model. A method for solving the problem of two-criterion optimization is proposed. The use of this model will be able to significantly reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emission

    Application of fuzzy controllers in automatic ship motion control systems

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    Automatic ship heading control is a part of the automatic navigation system. It is charged with the task of maintaining the actual ship’s course angle or actual ship’s course without human intervention in accordance with the set course or setting parameter and maintaining this condition under the effect of disturbing influences. Thus, the corrective influence on deviations from a course can be rendered by the position of a rudder or controlling influence that leads to the rotary movement of a vessel around a vertical axis that represents a problem, which can be solved with the use of fuzzy logic. In this paper, we propose to consider the estimation of the efficiency of fuzzy controllers in systems of automatic control of ship movement, obtained by analysis of a method of the formalized record of a logic conclusion and structure of the fuzzy controller. The realization of this allows to carry out effective stabilization of a course angle of a vessel taking into account existing restrictions

    Digital Twin Test-Bench Performance for Marine Diesel Engine Applications

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    The application of Digital Twins is a promising solution for enhancing the efficiency of marine power plant operation, particularly their important components – marine internal combustion engines (ICE). This work presents the concept of applying a Performance Digital Twin for monitoring the technical condition and diagnosing malfunctions of marine ICE, along with its implementation on an experimental test-bench, based on a marine diesel-generator. The main principles of implementing this concept involve data transmission technologies, from the sensors installed on the engine to a server. The Digital Twin, also operating on the server, is used to automatically process the acquired experimental data, accumulate statistics, determine the current technical state of the engine, identify possible malfunctions, and make decisions regarding changes in operating programs. The core element of the Digital Twin is a mathematical model of the marine diesel engine’s operating cycle. In its development, significant attention was devoted to refining the fuel combustion model, as the combustion processes significantly impact both the engine’s fuel efficiency and the level of toxic emissions of exhaust gases. The enhanced model differs from the base model, by considering the variable value of the average droplets’ diameter during fuel injection. This influence on fuel vapourisation, combustion, and the formation of toxic components is substantial, as shown. Using the example of calibrating the model to the test results of a diesel engine under 27 operating modes, it is demonstrated that the application of the improved combustion model allows better adjustment of the Digital Twin to experimental data, thus achieving a more accurate correspondence to a real engine

    Вплив утилізації суден методом затоплення на екологію та безпеку судноплавства

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    Вплив утилізації суден методом затоплення на екологію та безпеку судноплавства = The impact of ship disposal by the flood method on the ecology and safety of shipping / Л. В. Пізінцалі, О. М. Шумило, Н. І. Александровська, О. І. Россомаха, Т. В. Рабоча, О. А. Россомаха // Зб. наук. пр. НУК. – Миколаїв : НУК, 2022. – № 1 (488). – С. 3–11.Стаття присвячена проблемним питанням забезпечення безпеки судноплавства, які є одними з найважливіших на морському транспорті, оскільки від їх успішного вирішення залежить охорона життя та здоров’я членів екіпажів суден і пасажирів, збереження самих транспортних засобів та вантажів, що перевозяться на них, а також вплив на навколишнє середовище. Особливу увагу автори приділили впливу утилізації суден методом затоплення на екологію та безпеку судноплавства. Особливу увагу автори звернули на географічний фактор впливу на безпеку – стан судноплавних артерій. Показано динаміку утилізованих суден за останні 5 років та зазначено, що судноплавство може зробити важливий внесок у циклічну економіку. В економіці замкнутого циклу наявні вироби або матеріали залишаються у використанні довше і таким чином захищають природні ресурси Землі. Останніми роками утилізація старих суден стала проблемою для НС, і ця проблема не зводиться до дотримання правил техніки безпеки на підприємствах з утилізації суден. Автори вказують, що базовим міжнародним стандартом в галузі екологічного менеджменту є стандарт ISO 14001:2004. Особливу увагу приділено Найробійській конвенції про видалення затонулих та затоплених суден та проблемам ратифікації цієї конвенції Україною. Останніми роками у світовій практиці сталися глибокі якісні зміни у системі організації та управління природокористуванням і охорони НС. Суть змін, що відбуваються, у підходах до вирішення екологічних проблем полягає у поступовій відмові від переважання традиційних методів управління і переході до сучасних ринкових механізмів екологічного регулювання. Автори визначили свою думку щодо основних проблемних позицій України у розвитку процесів утилізації суден та шляхів їх вирішення, що спрямовані на забезпечення екологічної безпеки та безпеки судноплавства. Крім того, підкреслюють вплив розвитку утилізації суден на відродження судноремонтних заводів України та суміжних галузей.The article is devoted to the problematic issues of navigation safety, which are one of the most important in maritime transport, as their successful solution depends on the protection of life and health of crew members and passengers, safety of vehicles and cargo transported on them, as well as impact on the environment. The authors paid special attention to the impact of ship disposal on the environment and safety of navigation. The authors paid special attention to the geographical factor influencing safety – the state of navigable arteries. The dynamics of recycled vessels over the last 5 years are shown and it is argued that shipping can make an important contribution to the cyclical economy. In a closed-loop economy, existing products or materials remain in use longer and thus protect the Earth’s natural resources. In recent years, the disposal of old ships has become a problem for emergencies, and this problem is not limited to compliance with safety rules at ship recycling facilities. The authors point out that the basic international standard in the field of environmental management is the ISO 14001:2004 standard. Particular attention is paid to the Nairobi Convention on the Removal of Sunken and Sunken Ships and the problems of ratification of this convention by Ukraine. In recent years, in the world practice there have been profound qualitative changes in the system of organization and management of nature management and environmental protection. The essence of the changes taking place in the approaches to solving environmental problems is the gradual abandonment of the predominance of traditional management methods and the transition to modern market mechanisms of environmental regulation. The authors defined their opinion on the main problematic positions of Ukraine in the development of ship recycling processes and ways to solve them, aimed at ensuring environmental safety and safety of navigation. In addition, they emphasize the impact of the development of ship recycling on the revival of shipyards in Ukraine and related industries